Concert Avi Adir

Musical vocal breath experience 

Free up your voice

5 hours Vocal activation, Led by An unforgettable, nomadic musician, multi instrumentalist and vocal-artist.

There are many ways and methods that can help us to get in touch with our creative nature and with our feeling of coming home. Singing has always been my favorite one.

Voice and dance are our primary expressive tools. Vocalizing sounds and melodies is a deep soul and body experience. When we sing we naturally practice breath control, creating a healing breathing pattern to arise inside. Using our authentic voice while singing is another way to tune in to our true-self. Our voice expresses a very deep vibration within us, and listening to our voice while singing allows us to recognize our state of being on several different levels.
Free your Authentic Voice offers different ways and techniques of breathing to strengthen the experience of our true nature. It can help us to open our voice, bring power into it and use it for heart opening, healing and for the joy of a spiritual musical journey.
It is a very deep process of opening up, in which I will share different ways to create a musical space for singing and for musical improvisation (the composition of music while simultaneously singing or playing an instrument). We will focus on body life energy through natural breath work, voice and tonality.
This is an open level workshop. Experience with singing or playing an instrument is not required.

Let yourself be held by the soft and strong arms of your brothers.

At the weekend for men you might encounter or get in contact with parts of yourself that you maybe were not consciously aware of. Together we create a safe haven to give space to your painful parts and possibly heal them. At first sight strangers, but very soon you may encounter brotherhood and recognition. Men who will accept you as you are and hold space for you, but who will also dare to be an honest mirror.

Open, honest and loving. 

Sign Up For An Unforgettable Experience

Why a brotherhood weekend? 

We organise these meetings, because we think it is important to bring men together and to bring back brotherhood into our individualised society. Especially now it is crucial that we expand the consciousness of men, so that we may heal together and can fall back on each other if needed.

What you may experience:

  • A deeper sense of connection with other men
  • Re-connect with your inner child
  • Stress release
  • The power of vulnerability
  • Recognising your true self
  • Discover your true needs
  • Healing emotional wounds
  • Connecting with nature
  • Personal leadership

What does the Earth Brothers weekend include?

This weekend we go back to basic. Back to circles of men as the native Americans did. Simply sit and talk around the fire, to learn from each other and to uplift each other.

What Will We Do?

In the weekend of brotherlove we go back to basic. Back to circles of men as the native Americans did. We come together to be present and share with attention for each other. We may grow together and uplift each other. Vulnerable and from the heart.

Friday 20th of May 

  • Meet your brothers
  • Opening Ceremony
  • Connecting fire

Saturday 21st of May

  • Dynamic meditation 
  • Breakfast
  • Capture or be captured
  • Lunch
  • Let go and be carried
  • Sacred Plant Ceremonie 

Sunday 22nd of May

  • Breakfast
  • Sharing circle
  • I see brother (Adiba) 
  • Lunch
  • Silent forrest walk
  • Closing Ceremony

Where is it?

The weekend of brotherlove takes place at a secret location amidst lots of nature, close to Breda.

After signing up you will recieve the exact location.

Sacred land of the Earth Tribe

Practical information

Arrival: Friday 20th of May 2022, 19:00.

Departure: Sunday 22nd of May 2022, 17:00.

What should you bring:

  • Tent
  • Sleeping bag / warm blankets
  • Sleeping mat
  • Warm clothes

What is included?

You will stay on a holy place in nature, have biological meals and a weekend full of self-development and adventure.

A gift for you brother

We find inclusion important and think everyone should have access to self-healing. This is why we handle the principe of a gift economy. To organise this weekend we ask a contribution of €88,- p.p. This allows us to pay for the food and rent for the location and enables us to bring you a powerful weekend.

In case you have no camping gear or are short on cash, but you feel that this retreat is definitely for you right now, please reach out to us.

Together we can explore how we can be of service.

Sign up

To sign up we ask a deposit of €88,- p.p.

At the end of the weekend we will allow you the possibility to fully anonymously pay the remainder of the costs after what your experience was worth to you. In short: you pay the price that feels right and is possible for you.