Body & Mind Alignment

Body & Mind Alignment

The body as your guru

Leef jij in alignment?

Leef jij naar jouw diepste verlangens? 

Ervaar jij bewegingsvrijheid in je lichaam?

Ben jij vrij van limiterende gedachtes?

Durf jij je ware zelf te laten zien? 

Durf jij jezelf uit te spreken?

Vanaf kleins af aan groeien er patronen in ons gedrag op basis van wat we mee maken in ons leven. De omgevingsfactoren spelen een grote rol in wie jij bent op dit moment.
Ongeveer 85 procent van ons gedrag gebeurd onbewust.
Dit geld voor ons mentale gedrag maar ook voor ons bewegingsgedrag. Ons lichaam, onze manier van beweging is een representatie wat er diep van binnen leeft. Ons in lichaam is altijd in het nu en liegt nooit. Het lichaam verteld ons wanneer we blij zijn en wanneer we moe zijn. Maar het lichaam geeft nog veel meer signalen.
Ben jij benieuwd om jezelf te leren kennen via jouw eigen Guru? 

Ervaar innerlijke vrijheid

During this program you will learn to become alert and aware of the signs your body gives, discover their meaning and receive tools to deal with them. 

A deeper connection with your body

Your body is a reflection of what is happening on deeper levels inside of you. Ignored emotions, stress and trauma are expressed within and through your body. This influences our health and our way of being. In this training you will become aware of your behaviour and how it is connected to your movements and physical health

Door kennis op te doen, jouw lichaamsbewustzijn te vergroten ontstaan er nieuwe mogelijkheden en ervaar je meer vrijheid. 

Step by step
to an effortless way of living

Level 1


Recognize early warning signs in yourself

Level 2


To a place of no mind, experience inner peace

Level 3


Feel free and dance through life

Beautifully balanced program, brought with love and attention. After the training I felt intense happiness and connected to those parts of myself that truly matter.

Peter Bruun
I met Jitse as a very good trainer who is capable to transmit his professional knowledge in a playful and attractive way. It shows that Jitse has lived his knowledge and walks his talk, which makes it easy to adopt. His personal attention and positive approach made me feel very motivated and inspired. Thank you Jitse!
Marcel Hoiting
Jitse is a great teacher. He quickly makes you feel at ease and knows how to create a space where you can explore yourself. The balance between theory and practice helped me understand why specific exercises work well and to implement them in my personal life. My experience with Holistics is very positive

Rob v/d Burgt

"Alignment is the balance between effort and relaxation "

Practical information

Training 1

Reconnect with your body

Ga een nieuwe relatie aan met je lichaam

Donderdag, 17 november 2022

19:30 - 21:30

Training 2

Everything is connected

Analyseer je bewegingsgedrag en hef blokkades op

Donderdag, 24 November 2022

19:30 - 21:30

Training 3

Move from the core

Ervaar de kern van je zijn, het begin van elke beweging

Donderdag, 1 December 2022

19:30 - 21:30

Training 4

Animal movement

Voel de oerkracht in jezelf, kom los van het denken

Donderdag, 8 december 2022

19:30 - 21:30


Ubuntulaan 31, Almere
Group space Live To Be

A gift for your body

This program is focused on you being able to keep a balanced body and mind. Fortunately you cannot become unaware of something, so awareness is key here. It enables you to reflect on yourself and prevent most of your physical issues and having the tools available to heal yourself whenever they arise. 

Grant yourself this level of freedom!

Better together, right?

When you sign up for this program with a friend, colleague or family member, you get 1 week of training for free.

Use the code: FRIEND in the cart*. 

*valid when buying 2 times the Body & Mind Alignment - Level 1

Human Design Mini's Manual

  • De gebruiksaanwijzing van jouw kind
  • E-guide van 20+ pagina’s in PDF
  • €50

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