A movement that unites all forms of healing and prevention

Join the movement

Holistics is a movement of healthcare with focus on personal attention and time for our clients. A movement where we actually listen and truly see someone in his/her needs. A movement where we build a bridge between Western and traditional healthcare. In which all aspects are united; body, mind and soul 

We approach healthcare from a place of equality, openness, freedom and trust. The client, whom we call traveler, will be supported on their journey by the Holi's (our team of therapists). Based on someone's history, physical and mental health we create a personal roadmap together. This roadmap will be based on the present state and dreams or the traveler. Each journey can have a different route; following the Body & Mind Alignment training program, group retreats or a roadmap with personal sessions/treatments.                  

Body & Mind Alignment

Use your body as your guru in our unique program


Connect to yourself and others at our retreats & workshops

One on One

Personal coaching & support in your process


A holistic platform for therapists, doctors, medical specialists, coaches, yoga teachers, freedom expression trainers, shamans, energetic healers and any other form of therapy/training that leads to healing and empowerment of the individual. Together we bring humanity to a higher level of health, wealth and consciousness.   

De therapeuten werken samen om het optimale resultaat voor de reiziger te bewerkstelligen. Wij wijden onszelf toe aan deze missie. Wij dienen de reiziger en onszelf door te doen wat wij zo fijn vinden om te doen. Wij zorgen vanuit het hart en dat dient het grotere geheel op het hoogst haalbare niveau (Nir Guna). Wij geloven erin dat als je je roeping van de ziel (Dharma) volgt, dat werk niet meer voelt als werk maar een dienst de je levert aan het grotere geheel. Vanuit die plek kunnen we anderen helen en bekrachtigen en creëren we een sneeuwbal effect van heling.   

"We are in service for the divine. We work in service for the whole"

Our mission

Holistics is founded to increase people's consciousness at all levels of health; body, mind and spirit. We strive for a balance at both the physical as the mental level. Hierdoor komt men in een staat van zijn waarin men moeiteloosheid ervaart, oftewel de perfecte balans. When living in a balanced state, we experience freedom and independence. Something every human being deserves!

Simply by becoming conscious of our bodies, we are able to prevent many physical ailments. In regular healthcare there is little to no focus on prevention, we take a different approach. Prevention is the most important factor to make sure people stay healthy. The body renews its cells every second, so every second we have a choice to which behaviour, habits and thoughts we repeat and which ones we transform into a positive and healthy lifestyle. 

By growing our consciousness we enable ourselves to detect signals and patterns and act out of this state instead of auto-pilot. When we are able to get to this state of self-reflected consciousness, we cannot turn it off. The awareness itself makes it possible to create a different reality which includes physical and mental health. This way we reduce our chance of stress and illness. 

It is Holistics mission to help people walk through life in alignment with body, mind and soul. Through our unique methods, we learn people to connect to their body, mind and core of their being. Step by step people will be able to open up, be vulnerable, dive into their inner shadows and learn to trust themselves and their inner power. Tapping into this power ensures the creation of alignment in their lives. Acties zullen voortvloeien uit een diep verlangen waardoor het universum zal helpen dit leven te manifesteren, men zal Satchitananda (bliss) ervaren. 

We care

  • A gathering of healthcare lightworkers
  • Healthcare with attention for the traveler 
  • Liberation of the mind 
  • Circular economy 
  • Profit for everyone 
  • Community building
  • Sustainable healthcare
  • Awakening people 
  • Natural healing 
  • Empowerment for all

Sustainable for everyone

Our bigger vision is that this movement will serve everyone; the travelers, the Holi's and mother earth. Because of our unique concept everyone contributes and benefits from the movement. Our therapists take care of individual sessions, contribute to retreats or in the Body & Mind Alignment training program. 

With this concept, the Holi's do not only contribute to the healing journey of travelers but also to the growth of Holistics. We emphasize the importance of people feeling seen and heard which reflects our unique concept of working that benefits everyone in the circle; customer, therapist, the movement itself and mother earth. 

Through therapies, retreats and the program money is generates which will be divided among the Holi's in proportion to their input. This means that a therapist is not only paid for their direct work with travelers, but also receives a part of the total profit. This way we create a circulair economy within our movement. When therapist A believes it would benefit the traveler to have a session with therapist B, they also reap the fruits of it. 

For Pachamama

Besides having a circular economy within Holistics, part of the profit will be invested in creating an Eco Healing Community. At this place we will build a healing house where all therapeutic expertises will come together. A place where we blend a back to a basic way of life with the luxury and knowledge of today. A place where people come home and live in connection with the earth (Pachamama). The Holi's will be offered to live in a house in the village where we can life in balance with mother nature.

We are connected to the earth and galaxies and in ancient traditions special moments were celebrated, where food was sacrificed and mother earth was taken care of. Our mission is to recover this connection and contribute to building a new earth. 
A world in which we life in trust, freedom and care for each other and the earth. A world were we live instead of simply survive.

We celebrate live as it is!

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